
恒星设法避免此时,因为本身实现的平衡。来自核心的引力该恒星等于形成一种轨道的气体的引力拉动,然而,当这种平等破裂时,恒星可以进入几个不同的阶段。通常,如果恒星质量小,大部分气体都会被消耗,而其中一些逃脱。这发生了,因为在那些气体上没有巨大的引力拉动,因此恒星削弱并且变小。然后它被称为白色矮人。如果这颗恒星要有一个较大的质量,那么它可能是超新星,这意味着星内的核聚变只是失控,导致明星爆炸。在爆炸之后,通常留下恒星(如果它没有变成纯气体)并且恒星的一部分被称为中子星。黑洞是明星可能需要的最后一个选择之一。If the core of the star is so massive (approximately 6-8 solar masses; one solar mass being equal to the sun’s mass) then it is most likely that when the star’s gases are almost consumed those gases will collapse inward, forced into the core by the gravitational force laid upon them. After a black hole is created, the gravitational force continues to pull in space debris and other type of matters to help add to the mass of the core, making the hole stronger and more powerful. Most black holes tend to be in a consistent spinning motion. This motion absorbs various matter and spins it within the ring (known as the Event Horizon) that is formed around the black hole. The matter keeps within the Event Horizon until it has spun into the centre where it is concentrated within the core adding to the mass. Such spinning black holes are known as Kerr Black Holes. Most black holes orbit around stars due to the fact that they once were a star, and this may cause some problems for the neighbouring stars. If a black hole gets powerful enough it may actually pull a star into it and disrupt the orbit of many other stars. The black hole could then grow even stronger (from the star’s mass) as to possibly absorb another. When a black hole absorbs a star, the star is first pulled into the Ergosphere, which sweeps all the matter into the Event Horizon, named for its flat horizontal appearance and because this happens to be the place where mostly all the action within the black hole occurs. When the star is passed on into the Event Horizon the light that the star endures is bent within the current and therefore cannot be seen in space. At this exact point in time, high amounts of radiation are given off, that with the proper equipment can be detected and seen as an image of a black hole. Through this technique astronomers now believe that they have found a black hole known as Cygnus X1. This supposed black hole has a huge star orbiting around it; therefore we assume there must be a black hole that it is in orbit with.

第一个真正深入了解黑洞的科学家和明星的崩溃,是一位教授,罗伯特普通州和他的学生哈特兰斯奈德,在九百初。他们在爱因斯坦的相对论的基础上得出结论,如果光速在任何巨大的物体上都是最大的速度,那么就没有任何东西可以在它的离合器中逃脱黑洞。**(1)名称“黑洞”被命名为这样的事实,因为光不能从核心逃离引力的拉力,从而使人类不可能看到的黑洞,而不使用技术进步来测量这些东西的技术进步喜欢辐射。由于实际孔的事实,这一词的第二部分被命名为“孔”是一切都被吸收的地方,并且中心核心主持的地方。这种核心是黑洞的主要部分,其中块的浓缩,即使通过使用辐射检测装置,即使通过使用辐射检测装置也纯粹是黑色的。刚刚在称为哈勃望远镜的设备的帮助下找到了一个重大发现。这种望远镜刚刚发现许多天文学家认为是一个黑洞,在重点关注轨道轨道空间之后。从望远镜送回地球的几张照片,显示了许多电脑增强的各种辐射波动的图片和其他不同类型的读数,可以从怀疑黑洞所处的区域读取。几个图表显示了天文学家如何相信,如果以某种方式通过黑洞的中心生存,可能会有足够的引力,以便可能会在宇宙中的另一端或可能到另一个宇宙。 The creative ideas that can be hypothesized from this discovery are endless. Although our universe is filled with much unexplained, glorious, phenomenon, it is our duty to continue exploring them and to continue learning, but in the process we must not take any of it for granted. As you have read, black holes are a major topic within our universe and they contain so much curiosity that they could possibly hold unlimited uses. Black holes are a sensation that astronomers are still very puzzled with. It seems that as we get closer to solving their existence and functions, we just end up with more and more questions. Although these questions just lead us into more and more unanswered problems we seek and find refuge into them, dreaming that maybe one day, one far off distant day, we will understand all the conceptions and we will be able to use the universe to our advantage and go where only our dreams could take us.



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