互联网上的言论自由现在可能要经过政府的批准。例如,中国正试图以安全和社会稳定的名义限制政治言论。它要求因特网和电子邮件的用户注册,这样它就可以监视他们的活动在英国,互联网上禁止泄露国家机密和人身攻击。法律是严格的,政府非常有兴趣就这些问题规范互联网适用于其他类型交流的法律不一定适用于这种媒介。通过互联网的所有组成部分,传送某些政府可能会反感的材料变得很容易。然而,所有这些互联网上的通信方式构成了一个巨大的系统。对于检查员来说,要监视每一封电子邮件、每一篇新闻组文章、每一个网页、每一个IRC频道、每一个Gopher网站和每一个FTP网站几乎是不可能的。除了花费额外的金钱和时间之外,试图审查互联网还侵犯了民主宪法和国际法所规定的言论自由权利 It would be a breach of the First Amendment. The Constitution of the United States of America declares that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” 12
因此,在互联网和附属服务上发生任何类型的审查,它将是违宪的。尽管存在违法行为,但对互联网接入和内容的限制正在全球范围内在各种形式的政府下增加。在法国,一个媒体普遍具有大量自由的国家,互联网最近在聚焦中。关于前法国总统Francois Mitterrand的健康历史的禁用书在万维网(WWW)上以电子方式重新发布。显然,由第三方的Le Grand Secret的电子再现并未被法院禁止,裁定了这本书的印刷版非法违反了Mitterrand的隐私。为了实施互联网的审查,自由社会发现他们变得更加抑制和封闭的社会,找到了挤压政治表达和反对的新方法.13副总统Al Gore,而在互联网上的布鲁塞尔国际会议上,在主题演讲中说“[网络空间]是关于保护和扩大所有公民的言论自由......不应在边境中检查的想法”.14参加该会议的另一个人是美国公民自由联盟的Ann BreeSon,该组织致力于保留许多东西包括自由言论。她被引用说,“我们在布鲁塞尔的大胜利是我们向他们施加了足够的压力,以便他的主题演讲中的Al Gore在互联网上强调了自由讲话的重要性。”很多其他组织都有与法律作斗争并取得了成功。最近,美国参议院通过了《通信规范法》(CDA)。1996年2月26日,公民互联网授权联盟在费城对美国司法部和司法部长珍妮特·雷诺提起了一项具有历史意义的诉讼,以确保美国第一修正案不会受到CDA的损害。单是原告的范围,就包括美国书商协会、阅读自由基金会、苹果、微软、美国在线、职业记者协会、商业互联网交流协会、Wired和HotWired,以及成千上万的网民(互联网公民)展示了许多不同的人和团体对互联网言论自由事业的奉献。16“像shit, fuck, piss,和tits等词。这些话我们的母亲(至少他们中的一些)无疑会反对,但绝对不应该被政府规范。
但这不仅仅是脏话。它还涉及艾滋病、同性恋和乳房等词汇。它涉及性内容,以及吸毒、安乐死和种族主义等政治争议性话题。就在最近,法国高等法院否决了一项促进互联网审查的法案。其他国家也试图采取类似举措。互联网不能以其他媒体的方式被监管,因为它与我们拥有的任何其他媒体都不一样。这是一种全新的、独特的交流方式,值得给予一个机会来证明自己。一个国家的法律不能在另一个国家拥有管辖权,在互联网上也是如此,因为它没有边界。尽管北美(主要是美国)拥有最大份额的服务器,互联网仍然是一个全球性的网络。这意味着国内法规不能监督外国法规。 It would be just as easy for an American teen to download (receive) pornographic material from England, as it would be from down the street. One of the major problems is the lack of physical boundaries, making it difficult to determine where violations of the law should be prosecuted. There is no one place through which all information passes through. That was one of the key points that was stressed during the original days of the Internet, and then called ARPANET. It started out as a defense project that would allow communication in the event of an emergency such as nuclear attack. Without a central authority, information would pass around until it got where it was going.18 This was intended to be similar to the road system. It is not necessary to take any specific route but rather anyone goes. In the same way the information on the Internet starts out and eventually gets to its destination. The Internet is full of anonymity. Since text is the standard form of communication on the Internet it becomes difficult to determine the identity and/or age of a specific person. Nothing is known for certain about a person accessing content. There are no signatures or photo-ids on the Internet therefore it is difficult to certify that illegal activities (regarding minors accessing restricted data) are taking place. Take for example a conversation on IRC. Two people could people talking to one another, but all that they see is text. It would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to ascertain the gender and/or age just from communication of this sort. Then if the conversationalist lies about any points mentioned above it would be extremely difficult t o know or prove otherwise. In this way governments could not restrict access to certain sites on the basis of ages. A thirteen-year-old boy in British Columbia could decide that he wanted to download pornography from an adult site in the U.S. The site may have warnings and age restrictions but they have no way of stopping him from receiving their material if he says he is 19 years of age when prompted.
信息在互联网上传播的复杂性意味着,如果信息已经发布,删除这些信息几乎是不可能的。一个很好的例子就是人们所说的垃圾邮件。这些包括电子邮件广告产品,使用网络文章,公开的火焰。火焰是被加热的字母,很多时候它们背后没有任何基础。它们似乎在消失前漂浮了很长时间,因为它们是火焰战的完美材料。“火焰战争”指的是长时间的、旷日持久的、高度激烈的讨论,讨论中充满了火焰,这些火焰通常是时间上的、淫秽的、毁谤一个人的名誉和人格的。这些大多是不成熟的争论,完全没有意义,除非当事人。数以百万计的网民每天都能接触到几乎所有的数据。同样,它变得很容易复制的东西,存在于互联网上,只需点击一个按钮。复制数据的相对容易意味着第二信息被发布到互联网上,它可能被存档在其他地方。 There are in fact many sites on the Internet that are devoted to the archiving of information including: ftp.cdrom.com (which archives an extraordinary amount of software among others), www.archive.org (which is working towards archiving as much of the WWW as possible), and wuarchive.wustl.edu (which is dedicated towards archiving software, publications, and many other types of data). It becomes hard to censor material that might be duplicated or triplicate within a matter of minutes. An example could be the recent hacking of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Homepage and the hacking of the Central Intelligence Agency’s Homepage.
1 http://fileroom.aaup.uic.edu/FileRoom/documents/Cases/102socrates.html 2 Declan McCullagh,“自由的瘟疫”,地下互联网,http://www.eff.org/~declan/global/reports/plague.073196.txt(1996年7月31日)。3 Declan McCullagh,“自由的瘟疫”,地下互联网,http://www.eff.org/~declan/global/reports/plague.073196.txt(1996年7月31日)。Shari, Steele,《从第一修正案中删除一个字节》(took a Byte Out of the First Amendment)。网络空间的言论有多自由?”人权,http://www.eff.org/pub/Censorship/human_rights_960420.article(1996年春季)。Bryan Bradford和Mark Krumholz,“电信和体面:老大哥走向数字化”,《今日商业》,1996年春季:12-16。6布鲁斯,斯特林,“互联网简史”,奇幻和科幻小说杂志,http://www.isoc.org:70/00/internet/history/short.history.of.internet(1996年4月17日)。7布鲁斯,斯特林,“互联网简史”,奇幻和科幻小说杂志,http://www.isoc.org:70/00/internet/history/short.history.of.internet(1996年4月17日)。Shari, Steele,《从第一修正案中删除一个字节》(took a Byte Out of the First Amendment)。网络空间的言论有多自由?” Human Rights, http://www.eff.org/pub/Censorship/human_rights_960420.article (Spring 1996). 9 Bill Gates, “Searching for middle ground in online censorship,” Microsoft Corporation, http://www.microsoft.com/corpinfo/bill-g/column/1996essay/censorship.htm (27 Mar. 1996). 10 Bill Gates, “Searching for middle ground in online censorship,” Microsoft Corporation, http://www.microsoft.com/corpinfo/bill-g/column/1996essay/censorship.htm (27 Mar. 1996). 11 “Silencing the Net–The Threat to Freedom of Expression Online.” Human Rights Watch May 1996, Vol. 8, No. 2 (G). 12 Thomas Jefferson, “Bill Of Rights,” The Constitution of the United States, http://Constitution.by.net/uSA/BillOfRights.html (21 Apr. 1996). 13 “Silencing the Net–The Threat to Freedom of Expression Online.” Human Rights Watch May 1996, Vol. 8, No. 2 (G). 14 Declan McCullagh, “PLAGUE OF FREEDOM” Internet Underground, http://www.eff.org/~declan/global/reports/plague.073196.txt (31 July 1996). 15 Declan McCullagh, “PLAGUE OF FREEDOM” Internet Underground, http://www.eff.org/~declan/global/reports/plague.073196.txt (31 July 1996). 16 Steve Silberman, “Defending the First Amendment,” Hotwired.com, http://www.hotwired.com/special/lawsuit. 17 Heather Irwin, “Geeks Take to the Streets,” Hotwired.com, http://www.hotwired.com/special/indecent/rally.html 18 Bruce, Sterling, “Short History of the Internet,” The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, http://www.isoc.org:70/00/internet/history/short.history.of.internet (17 Apr. 1996). Bibliography Bradford, Bryan and Mark Krumholz. “Telecommunications and Decency: Big Brother goes Digital.” Business Today Spring 1996 : 12-16. Gates, Bill. “Searching for middle ground in online censorship.” Microsoft Corporation. http://www.microsoft.com/corpinfo/bill-g/column/1996essay/censorship.htm (27 Mar. 1996). Irwin, Heather. “Geeks Take to the Streets.” Hotwired.com. http://www.hotwired.com/special/indecent/rally.html Jefferson, Thomas. “Bill Of Rights.” The Constitution of the United States. http://Constitution.by.net/uSA/BillOfRights.html (21 Apr. 1996). McCullagh, Declan. “PLAGUE OF FREEDOM” Internet Underground. http://www.eff.org/~declan/global/reports/plague.073196.txt (31 July 1996). Silberman, Steve. “Defending the First Amendment.” Hotwired.com. http://www.hotwired.com/special/lawsuit. “Silencing the Net–The Threat to Freedom of Expression Online.” Human Rights Watch May 1996, Vol. 8, No. 2 (G). Steele, Shari. “Taking a Byte Out of the First Amendment. How Free Is Speech in Cyberspace?” Human Rights. http://www.eff.org/pub/Censorship/human_rights_960420.article (Spring 1996). Sterling, Bruce. “Short History of the Internet.” The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. http://www.isoc.org:70/00/internet/history/short.history.of.internet (17 Apr. 1996).