

外商直接投资将带来连接国际和国内市场的合资企业,使贸易更加顺畅。本地贸易商和国际贸易商之间的互动将会增加。套利将在印度市场占据主导地位,因此,来自世界各地的廉价商品将在市场上浮动。萨卡尔说:“随着廉价制成品进口超过不确定的农产品出口,经常账户可能会随着时间的推移而恶化。”当本国货币贬值时,本币走强的贸易国对本国经济是危险的。在印度这样的国家,这种变化会更明显,因为印度的货币汇率低于美元或英镑。印度的国际收支将陷入困境。但是,忽略这一变化的负面影响,这将意味着外国直接投资政策将增加国内市场的竞争,并带来创新的空间。Swaminathan S Ankalesria Aiyar认为,“这些(政策)不断创造新的赢家,战胜新的输家。”因此,国内贸易商和资本家会很高兴,因为他们可以获得国际贸易商投入的巨额资本。 The conditions of factories and go downs in India will improve and production will rise substantially because the international trader has greater access to capital. At this point, I feel that we will be making the international counterpart more dominant in the Indian market giving him powers to rule the market just by the virtue that he has greater share in the firm. We will end up concentrating too much power in his hands giving rise to exploitation. But, the international partner can, on the other hand, get access to resources and infrastructure in India. Hence, such firms will be able to produce at a lesser rate and earn greater margin of profit. For eg: Fast food outlets like Mc-Donald, KFC; etc are setting up outlets in India where land and labour is relatively cheaper. Hence, they can earn profits due to their low fixed and variable costs and commercial economies of scale. By claiming this, again, we would be neglecting the fact that small scale industries or unorganized sectors will lose out because of this. Since, international companies will flood Indian markets, the unorganized sector will lose out. For eg: Gradually, the local vada-pav will be costlier than a Mc-Donald burger because Mc-Donald will be in a position to reduce prices unlike the local vendor. Similarly, in the rural set up, big farmers and medium sized farmers will be able to afford infrastructure like tractors, machines, farming equipments; etc which will facilitate them in producing better products for the international firms. But, the small farmers who hardly have land holdings won’t be able to match up with the scale of production compared to the other big farmers. Companies will not invest in small farmers owing to a loss and thus, small time farmers won’t have access to upgraded and well equipped technology. Since, majority of India’s population depends on agriculture for sustainability, a rise in agro prices because of excessive demand domestically, will lead to lesser production and more self-consumption for the local farmer. Somewhere down the line, the international traders will opt for sales maximizations first, thus reducing their prices and making their products affordable for the whole class of the population. These firms would easily be able to adopt such policies because the amount of capital they would invest in the firm would be much higher than the small farmer. Thus, the enterprise could easily gain from economies of scale and thus, invest the gained revenue towards marketing cost; thus attracting consumers to shift. For eg: Even today, big supermarkets like Hypercity, D-mart; etc sell onions at Rs 23 per kg; while the local vendors sell them at Rs 30 per kg because of the commercial economies of scale. Therefore, the rate of sale by the international firm and the domestic farmer will differ considerably.

根据拟议的政策以及国内和国际贸易商之间的合同,国际贸易商将向农民提供较低的利率,以提高其当地农产品的产量并将其出售给国际贸易商;而不是依赖他通常面临的剥削,因为中间人。这将给大大小小的农民一个增加产量的动力。然而,在印度进行贸易的公司将把利润最大化作为主要战略,并开始将资本转移到需求缺乏弹性的地区。如果这只在城市空间中可行,那么城市地区将受到生态威胁,巨大的建筑、购物中心和住宅空间将挤占有限的空间。根据Swaminathan S Anklesria Aiyar的说法,“没有高速公路、电力、港口和机场、铁路连接和管道,工业和服务业就无法扩张。”他还认为,“铁路票价已经上调,柴油价格将每月上涨,直到隐性补贴消失,液化石油气(LPG)连接上限已经设定,外国投资者对一般反避税措施的担忧已经缓解。”因此,这些投资加起来就是企业的总成本和对生态的妥协。2012年9月,印度前八大城市的购物中心零售面积为6470万平方英尺,其中70%以上是在过去五年里增加的。预计五年内将增加约2800万平方英尺的零售空间。 Despite the high vacancy level (18%) in the malls, the Delhi-National Capital Region would have an additional 10 million sq ft space by 2016, according to property consultant Cushman & Wakefield India. Thus, a lot of space will have to be diverted towards the implementation of the FDI policy. Foreign capital will be brought to India to ensure growth and profitability of the internationals and not development for the domestic. Demand will drive price giving complete power to the international trader to control the market. Small and local firms will be nowhere close to the competition of international traders, and such firms would slowly shut down.


