
自杀在许多土著社区中是一个严重的问题,这从高自杀统计数据中可以明显看出。某些群体,如众多因纽特人社区,尤其在这些问题上挣扎。然而,同样重要的是要注意,也有自杀率不高的社区。事实上,由于各种原因,如许多保护因素,有一些群体可能很少甚至没有自杀案例。土著居民也更有可能寻求专业帮助。不幸的是,土著社区的情绪困扰和自杀率继续高于平均水平。从历史上看,在原住民接触到欧洲人以及不可避免的殖民主义之前,自杀是罕见的。自那以后,自杀和自残变得很普遍。现在它是当今年轻人死亡的主要原因。在第一民族男性青年中,每10万人中有126人自杀。 While suicide in non-Aboriginal male youth occurs in every 24 per 100,000 people. Suicide among Inuit youth are known to have some of the highest rates in the world, reaching up to 11 times the national average. Since many Inuit communities live in remote areas, adequate mental health services are not always available. A 2004 survey also showed that Aboriginal peoples had low education level, low family income, low employment rates, high violence rates, high rates of alcohol and drug addictions. In the Nunavik Inuit Health Survey of 2004, it was observed that 6 of 10 participants stated that they used drugs in the past year. This number is 4 times higher than in Canada overall. Substance abuse continues to be a problem, especially on reserves. Due to poor housing, and inadequate health care services, the likelihood of substance abuse increases in these communities. In a national survey done among First Nations communities from 2008 to 2010, it was concluded that 82.6% of the respondents believed alcohol and drug abuse was the number one challenge faced on reserves. All of these factors that arose from historical experiences affects the Aboriginal youth of today and causes various problems due to burdens from the past.

此外,原住民社区的自杀在历史上是罕见的。然而,殖民和政府政策的结果导致了许多负面后果,至今仍对社区造成伤害。青少年自杀率上升的原因包括生理、心理、社区因素和社会压力因素。虽然有个人因素在许多年轻人的心理健康状况不佳中发挥作用,但更大的社会和历史事件,如寄宿学校,也发挥作用。年轻一代也经历了老一辈人在寄宿学校所面临的历史创伤的影响。研究表明,寄宿学校幸存者的子女和孙辈往往比没有上过寄宿学校的人的子女和孙辈更容易在心理上感到痛苦,更经常表现出自杀行为。这些受害者失去了他们的文化和语言感,也失去了他们的身份。这导致许多幸存者陷入抑郁,许多人以自杀作为解决办法。老一代缺乏育儿知识,以及他们所在社区的自杀风险,只会让年轻人走上同样的道路。寄宿学校可怕虐待的直接幸存者往往会在他们的问题没有得到承认的情况下,将创伤传递给年轻一代。 Therapists see many self-destructive behaviors such as family violence, suicidal and homicidal thoughts, depression and various addictions in clients who have experienced intergenerational trauma. There are also social factors that contribute to the mental health issues and substance abuse among Indigenous youth. An Aboriginal child living in urban areas in Canada is about twice as likely as non-Aboriginal child to live in a single-parent house and to be poor, as well as four times likely to be born to adolescent parents. RCAP (Royal Commissions to Aboriginal Peoples) reported that Aboriginal peoples living in urban areas faced difficulty utilizing provincial programs that were available to other Canadians, because the provincial government wouldn’t take responsibility to provide services for them. The difficulties faced in society as well as traumatic events that created a loss of identity for many, continues to prevent a healthy environment for Indigenous youth to grow in today. However, some communities have developed programs and strategies that could help youth and lower their risk of committing suicide.

此外,在有文化连续性的社区,土著青年的自杀率要低得多。这些文化保护因素包括自治、土地控制和强烈的文化意识。在母语被广泛使用的社区,自杀率也较低。一项对不列颠哥伦比亚省的乐队进行的研究表明,与语言知识水平较低的乐队相比,拥有高水平土著语言知识的乐队自杀率更低。有了强烈的文化意识,年轻人就有了强烈的认同感和归属感。这就是为什么涉及他们文化的自杀预防项目可以给马努土著青年一种“完整”的感觉,并有助于激励他们克服逆境。这些多层次的预防自杀方法应承认土著人民的价值观、知识、力量和复原力。传统治疗是主要方法,西方做法作为辅助帮手,在帮助那些受代际创伤和一般心理健康状况不佳影响的人方面是有效的。还有许多自杀预防项目,他们使用许多传统的治疗方法,但也融合了土著习俗和环境,以适应土著人民的观点。制定自杀预防策略也很重要。 In Alkali Lake, British Columbia, the community used cultural and spiritual methods to help people with the healing process. Dances, ceremonies and practices such as pow-wows and sweetgrass ceremonies were held by traditional healers to help those who struggled with substance abuse. Other examples of traditional kind of approach includes programs that are led by elders and knowledge keepers of the community that also incorporate cultural aspects of the community. Ensuring that the focus is on the needs and values of the individual, as well as the the Indigenous group as a whole can help the Aboriginal youth build healthy alternatives and coping mechanisms and it can overall prevent the prevalence of suicide.




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