
Henry, convinced that his marriage to Catherine was “against God’s law and clearly void” was so convinced at the expense of good relations with the church and Pope – as the implications of him declaring his marriage against God’s wishes were that the papal decision to marry them in the first place was wrong.

On the other hand, it can be argued that the break of Rome arose due to a culmination of other factors too – clerical corruption, Henry’s supremacy, Cromwell’s influence, and popular support may have well all been contributors to the ultimate and drastic decision to break from Rome.

来源d是所有这些因素都在暗示和明示参考 - “神职人员[...]让许多[...]法律[...]无[国王亨利]知识”。明源礼物文书腐败,意味着比国王其他各方夺权从而破坏了,并且被克伦威尔书面反映了许多比废标从罗马打破其他可能的因素。


His reasons for wanting the annulment, as source A suggests, is that he had “so long lived in adultery to God’s great displeasure, and [had] no true heir of [his] body to inherit [the] realm [of England].” However, the annulment in itself wasn’t what caused the break of Rome, but rather the Pope’s refusal to grant it on many occasions.

It is interesting to note though, that Henry, on more than one occasion threatened the Church to grant the annulments – signifying that he wasn’t completely ready to go ahead with the break from Rome and still wished to come up with a compromise with the church. This is evidence for the fact that it wasn’t only the divorce that caused him to push for a break from Rome, but a combination of other factors too, as he needed as many other reasons to convince himself that breaking with Rome was the right decision.

在一些人眼里 - - 亵渎的想法,从罗马打破不与废止的前景的概念开始的,而是几年后这是一个事实,即激进和进一步支持。最初,它是不太可能,亨利打算与罗马打破,因为这些诉讼的结果,但他准备违抗教宗在他的努力,以确保男性继承人很明显。

然而,教会的状态也从罗马破起了显著的部分。沃尔西 - 王的左右手在开始的几年他的统治 - 自己代表的是如此矛盾的教会的基本价值观和人,具有讽刺意味的文书过激行为,因此得罪国王与罗马决裂的前夜。Source D reflects facts that were sure to have made the King feel extremely indignant and disrespected, with Cromwell claiming that “the clergy […] make many […] laws […] without [King Henry’s] knowledge […] which laws [his] said lay subjects have [… been] constrained to obey [… and] been continually held to importable charges”.

自我亨利是著名的肯定会没有让他坐下来,把他的权力和作为国王的影响力的这样一个明显的冷落,并肯定能导致罗马,企图打破了他的臣民重获动力王亨利认为他已经失去了。Source D not only claims that the clergy was subverting and undermining the King’s power, but suggests that bribery and corruption was rampant, with claims that the clergy would “exact and take of [King Henry’s] humble servants divers sums of money for the sacraments […] sometimes denying the same without they be first paid”.

这神职人员会收受贿赂,以开展圣礼 - 牧师的最基本,最常见的任务之一表明,这种愤怒在神职人员朵朵不仅来自亨利,而是来自民间常用了。但是是否不是当时盛行的反教的是,在国王的宫廷上层仅溃烂一个流行的观点或一个值得商榷的。源E声称,“在1530 [...]教会的未来已经出现是安全的。[...]俗人是在前所未有的数量买书[...],并有牧师和人民之间的局部摩擦的迹象“。

这可能反映了索赔,有僧侣和民众之间,而后者正在虐待和剥削冲突的性质前 - 由托马斯·克伦威尔别有用心的,使得他实现了一个突破的末端,与罗马他是一个强有力的支持者。该索赔“的1529年中断不是神职人员和教徒之间深层次划分的产品:有没有这样的分工”,在此背景下,似乎有正当理由的断言。

这尤其是因为,尽管在神职人员的一部分的所有这些弊端,有可能是信仰的人民内部依然强劲,因为质疑的行动和牧师的行为被认为是异端行为 - 一个罪恶的人肯定会不会想被提交。

Regardless of whether or not anticlericalism was a popular sentiment held amongst the people, what would potentially have truly caused the decision to break with Rome to go through was the king’s beliefs, and the influence of Cromwell and other likeminded individuals certainly could have held much sway over the king. However, anticlericalism – though certainly influencing the king greatly – should not be seen as a vital cause, but rather as a contributory cause of the break with Rome – it created an environment in which a break from the power of the Pope was at least conceivable.

Cromwell和某些博伊尔派别的影响也是导致罗马休息的重要因素。亨利受到Anne Boleyn的熟人的极大影响,一群改革派 - 并且可能是激进的作家。他们的许多想法都是为了满足自己的目的而非常有效 - 毕竟,亨利以他的悲伤为他的许多行为追求了一个理由,使他的良心保持干净。

来源E表明,“一些[安妮的]盟友一直提出了一项剧烈的解决方案[......]没收教会财产和废除PAP权力,因此离婚可以在英格兰定居”。这些熟人 - 最符合克兰默 - 肯定喂给他饥饿的自我,宣称国王的“全体会议,整体,以及举行的卓越,权威,司法,权威,司法管辖权”的陈述在英国领域。

他们的想法,在一本书简洁和令人信服地概括称为Colectanea赛帝Copiosa,也包括那些如国王的臣民应该效忠只有他们的国王 - 显然不包括效忠于“外国”机构如教皇。这些改革者和他们的信仰证实亨利在他看来,他是中了他的权利以及拒绝教皇在什么是一个内政的权力。

其中的一些改革者的想法,甚至引起了国王指责神职人员 - 包括沃尔西,教堂和宫廷内最强大的男人都一个 - 的praemunire- 承认或响应外国权力(在本案)而不是国王的罪行。亨利王希望 - 而且日益相信是一个可接受的愿望 - 增加了皇家权威,作为教会的最高负责任,甚至可以赋予“单数保护者,最高主,甚至是甚至的单数保护者,甚至甚至一样基督的法律允许英国教堂和神职人员的最高负责人“。


克伦威尔,罗马打破的坚定支持者,理由是王的力量正在凭借教皇权力的抑制被认为是合法的是在罗马破前夕亨利产生了重大影响。这是他对神职人员起草请愿书 - 可能是他自己主动 - 这是在源D.它引述也是有趣的是,克伦威尔被任命为大法官是不寻常的,甚至是前所未有的。

然而,亨利走到很大的事实,以找到包括教皇的解决方案,表明他并没有完全反对教皇权威,并没有发现很容易被罗马休息休息。While some historians argue that Henry’s own pride, power hunger, and ego led him to feel threatened by the church and therefore that he needed to curb its power, it is possible to argue that this may not have been a factor at all – or that it may well have been, but was also blown out of proportion.

The evidence for this argument that lies within Henry’s hesitance to break from Rome could reflect the fact that the annulment was the sole reason for the break from Rome as issues such as anticlericalism could have been solved by the reformation of the Church and the investigation of the corruption that caused negative sentiments toward the Church.

It is also possible to argue that the foreign affairs of Europe to force him to break from Rome – the sack of Rome by Charles V, Catherine of Aragon’s nephew, undermined what could have been an amicable agreement on the annulment between Henry and the Pope, and any ability the latter would have to negotiate with the king was severely limited as the Pope was imprisoned by Charles V.

It also signified the king’s loss of control over the Church, and according to source E, “in the right circumstances, Henry would no doubt have moderated (or even abandoned his supremacy) […] but […] the king, it seems clearly, actually believed he was the rightful supreme head.” I was King Henry’s conviction in his own power as head of the church that led him to take the church’s overstepping of power far more personally than otherwise, and therefore to feel more strongly in favour of the break with Rome.

The break from Rome may well have only occurred because Henry ‘had asserted the claims his divorce had made necessary’, but it was the combination of many factors such as the influence of Cranmer, and Cromwell and the Boleyn faction, Henry’s belief in his supremacy, and anticlericalism along with the annulment that caused him to carry out his break with Rome.



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